The South West
The islands of Sant’Antioco and San Pietro together with the remnants of the industrial heritage of mineral mining in the last century and ruins of an ancient civilisation, offers an intriguing contrast of landscapes in this corner of Sardinia.
Calasetta on the island of Sant’Antioco has a relaxed and very welcoming atmosphere with good local beaches and a ferry to San Pietro island where you can spend a pleasant day exploring the town of Carloforte. This island is also famous for the traditional Tuna harvest in April/May, and the The Tuna Trap of Carloforte website provides excellent information abot the annual catch of Red Tuna Fish. Near the town of Sant’Antioco is the site of the ancient Carthaginian town of Sulcis and some early Christian catacombs.
There is a museum in the former mining town of Iglesias depicting the mineral ore mining heritage of this area. Porto Pino, south of Sant’Antioco, has incredible beaches and sand dunes stretching for miles with excellent parking. North of Porto Pino near Santadi are the caves of Is Zuddas with stalagmite and stalactite formation.